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FREE A/C Furnace Filter Change Reminder Service pleated merv12 air filters

Pleated Filters Merv12

* 1 Inch Air Filters
* 2 Inch Air filters
* 4 Inch Air Filters

Honeywell Merv12

* 16x25x5
    FC100A1029 /

* 20x25x5
    FC100A1037 /


Air Purifiers


Air Vent Filters


Custom Filters


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Reasons You Must Replace Furnace Filters


Types of Furnace Filters


Merv 12 Rating Furnace Filters


The right furnace filter with the best MERV Rating!

What is an efficiency or MERV rating?

Residential filters commonly have MERV ratings, the higher the MERV rating, the more efficient the filter is, and the more particles it can filter.

  • A MERV rating of 6 means the filter is 35% to 50% minimum efficient at capturing particles, sized 3.0-10.0 microns.
  • A MERV rating of 8 means the filter is 70% to 85% minimum efficient at capturing particles, sized 3.0-10.0 microns.
  • A MERV rating of 11 means the filter is 85% to 95% minimum efficient at capturing particles, sized 3.0-10.0 microns.